Webinar: Health Systems Diagnosis (Featuring Dr. Winnie Yip)


Conducting evidence-based health system diagnosis is critical for designing health reforms. How well a health system performs is assessed by how well it has achieved its end goals and intermediate outcomes. This webinar, conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, will present the conceptual framework and the systematic process to conduct such health systems diagnosis.

Rooted in the Control Knob Framework and drawing on practical examples from state of Odisha in India, as well as from other countries, the webinar will discuss:

  • Measuring health system performances, i.e. the ultimate goals of the system (health status, financial risk protection, and citizen satisfaction), and its intermediate outcomes (access, efficiency and quality).
  • Based on the findings from this step, analyze the underlying causes of the performance as they relate to different key levers of the health system

This webinar is intended to help researchers with the practical task of undertaking health system analysis, and eventually health system reform. By examining goals and intermediate outcomes, and the underlying causes of good/poor performance, researchers and reformers can support the diagnosis of health system problems and generate evidence-based solutions that improve health system performance.


  • Video recording is available here.